Dean Lister
photogeneral information
No photo available
nickname:The Boogeyman
day of birth:13-02-1976 (49 years)
height:185.0cm (6" 1')
weight:84.0kg (185.2lbs.) (13.2st.)
club:Fabio Santos, City Boxing
style:Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Sambo
city:San Diego

further information
last fights:WLWWL

fight record - stand-up fights
Gesamt0 fights0 wins (0.0%)
    0 losses (%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
      fight record - MMA fights
      UFC6 fights4 wins (66.7%)
      • 2 submissions (50.0%)
      • 2 decisions (50.0%)
      2 losses (33.3%)
      • 2 decisions (100.0%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
      Gesamt6 fights4 wins (66.7%)
      • 2 submissions (50.0%)
      • 2 decisions (50.0%)
      2 losses (33.3%)
      • 2 decisions (100.0%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

      bout results (show detailed)
      27-12-2008Yushin OkamiL3R Decision 3-0 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)UFCUFC 92: The Ultimate 2008
      21-06-2008Jeremy HornW1R 3:52 Submission (Guillotine Choke)UFCThe Ultimate Fighter 7 Finale
      29-12-2007Jordan RadevW3R Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)UFCUFC 79: Nemesis
      25-01-2007Nate MarquardtL3R Decision 0-3UFCUFC Fight Night 8: Rashad Evans vs Sean Salmon
      17-08-2006Yuki SasakiW3R Decision 3-0UFCUFC Fight Night 6
      27-05-2006Alessio SakaraW1R 2:20 SubmissionUFCUFC 60: Hughes vs. Gracie
      W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

      You spotted a mistake or have additional information about a result? Send us an e-mail!


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