Vitali Akhramenko
photogeneral information
Vitali Akhramenko
day of birth:22-11-1977 (47 years)
height:192.0cm (6" 4')
weight:97.0kg (213.8lbs.) (15.3st.)
club:Chinuk Gym

further information
last fights:WWLLL
  • K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2004 in Milan Finalist

fight record - stand-up fights
K-111 fights4 wins (36.4%)
  • 4 decisions (100.0%)
6 losses (54.5%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (33.3%)
  • 4 decisions (66.7%)
1 draws (9.1%)0 no contests (0.0%)
Gesamt11 fights4 wins (36.4%)
  • 4 decisions (100.0%)
6 losses (%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (33.3%)
  • 4 decisions (66.7%)
1 draws (9.1%)0 no contests (0.0%)
fight record - MMA fights
Gesamt0 fights0 wins (0.0%)
    0 losses (0.0%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

      bout results (show detailed)
      12-06-2005Gokhan SakiL4R KOK-1It's Showtime 8
      16-04-2005Badr HariL3R DecisionK-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2005 in Milan
      24-04-2004Jorgen KruthL3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2004 in Milan
      24-04-2004Freddy KemayoW3R Decision 2-0K-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2004 in Milan
      24-04-2004Ante VarnicaW3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2004 in Milan
      14-02-2004Jorgen KruthL3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Scandinavia Grand Prix 2004 in Stockholm
      31-10-2003Dewey CooperW5R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 Final Fight Stars War in Zagreb
      14-06-2003Jerome Le BannerL2R 0:28 KO (Right Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Paris
      15-03-2003Jorgen KruthL3R DecisionK-1K-1 Scandinavia Grand Prix 2003 in Stockholm
      13-04-2002Azem MaksutajDDrawK-1K-1 Croatia Grand Prix 2002 in Zagreb
      01-12-2001TakeruW5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Czech Grand Prix 2001 in Prague
      W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

      You spotted a mistake or have additional information about a result? Send us an e-mail!


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