Jerome Le Banner
photogeneral information
Jerome Le Banner
surname:Le Banner
nickname:Battle Cyborg
day of birth:26-12-1972 (52 years)
height:190.0cm (6" 3')
weight:119.5kg (263.5lbs.) (18.8st.)
club:Boerboel & Tosa Gym
style:Kickboxing, Boxing

further information
last fights:WLLWL
  • WKN Thaiboxing Champion
  • ISKA World Superheavyweight Thaiboxing Champion
  • French & European Kickboxing Champion
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 1995 Finalist
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Nagoya Champion
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Osaka Champion
  • K-1 WORLD Grand Prix 2002 Finalist
entrance music:
  • Metallica - Enter Sandman
  • Carl Orff - Carmina Burana: Fortuna Imperatix Mundi: O Fortuna
  • Puff Daddy - Victory
  • Conan The Barbarian Theme
  • LL Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out
  • Michael Jackson - Ghost
  • Mon bled" (Rai'n'B Fever), Conversion from Cheb Cheb Khaled - Abdel Khader

fight record - stand-up fights
K-159 fights39 wins (66.1%)
  • 30 (T)KOs (76.9%)
  • 9 decisions (23.1%)
18 losses (30.5%)
  • 11 (T)KOs (61.1%)
  • 7 decisions (38.9%)
1 draws (1.7%)1 no contests (1.7%)
Gesamt59 fights39 wins (66.1%)
  • 30 (T)KOs (76.9%)
  • 9 decisions (23.1%)
18 losses (%)
  • 11 (T)KOs (61.1%)
  • 7 decisions (38.9%)
1 draws (1.7%)1 no contests (1.7%)
fight record - MMA fights
Hero's3 fights3 wins (100.0%)
  • 3 (T)KOs (100.0%)
0 losses (0.0%)
    0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
    MMA1 fights0 wins (0.0%)
      0 losses (0.0%)
        1 draws (100.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
        Gesamt4 fights3 wins (75.0%)
        • 3 (T)KOs (100.0%)
        0 losses (0.0%)
          1 draws (25.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

          bout results (show detailed)
          05-12-2009Semmy SchiltL1R 1:27 KO (Right Mid Kick)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2009 FINAL
          26-09-2009MusashiW3R DecisionK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2009 Final Elimination
          28-03-2009Ewerton TeixeiraLExt.2R Decision 2-1K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2009 in Yokohama
          06-12-2008Remy BonjaskyL3R 1:46 TKO (Doctor Stoppage, arm injured)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2008 FINAL
          27-09-2008Junichi SawayashikiW3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2008 Final Elimination
          29-06-2008Semmy SchiltL3R Decision 2-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2008 in Fukuoka
          08-12-2007Semmy SchiltL2R 1:02 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2007 FINAL
          08-12-2007Hong-man ChoiW3R Decision 3-0 (30-29, 30-28, 30-29)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2007 FINAL
          29-09-2007Yong-Soo ParkW1R 1:54 KOK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2007 Final Elimination
          04-03-2007Junichi SawayashikiL3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2007 in Yokohama
          02-12-2006Semmy SchiltL3R Decision 3-0 (30-27, 30-28, 30-28)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2006 FINAL
          30-09-2006Hong-man ChoiW3R Decision 1-0 (30-30, 30-29, 29-29)
          --> Ext.R Decision 3-0 (10-9, 10-9, 10-9)
          K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2006 Final Elimination
          13-05-2006Remy BonjaskyW3R Decision (30-29)
          (Le Banner filed a complaint and the earlier result [3R Decision 0-3 (28-29, 28-30, 30-30)] was turned around later by a K-1 commission.)
          K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2006 in Amsterdam
          15-03-2006Jimmy AmbrizW1R 2:04 KO (Right Punch)Hero'sHero's 4
          31-12-2005Alan KaraevW2R KOHero'sK-1 PREMIUM 2005 Dynamite!!
          19-11-2005Peter AertsL3R Decision Draw (29-29, 29-29, 29-29)
          --> Ext.R Decision 0-3 (9-10, 9-10, 9-10)
          K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2005 FINAL
          23-09-2005Gary GoodridgeW1R 2:13 KOK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2005 in Osaka
          27-05-2005Cyril AbidiW5R 2:53 TKO (Referee Stoppage)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2005 in Paris
          26-03-2005Yoshihiro AkiyamaW1R 2:24 KOHero'sK-1 Hero's 1
          31-12-2004Bob SappD4R Decision DrawMMAK-1 PREMIUM 2004 Dynamite!!
          04-12-2004Hiromi AmadaW2R 1:03 KOK-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2004 FINAL
          25-09-2004Francois BothaL3R Decision 0-1 (29-29, 28-29, 28-28)
          -> Ext.R (Le Banners Corner throws in the towel)
          -> 3R 3:00 TKO (Corner Stoppage)
          K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2004 in Tokyo
          17-07-2004Terence ReasbyW1R 0:53 KOK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2004 in Seoul
          21-09-2003Shaka ZuluW2R 1:10 KO (Right Low Kick)K-1K-1 Survival 2003 Japan GP Final
          14-06-2003Vitali AkhramenkoW2R 0:28 KO (Right Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Paris
          07-12-2002Ernesto HoostL3R 1:26 KOK-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2002 FINAL
          07-12-2002Mark HuntW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2002 FINAL
          07-12-2002MusashiW2R 0:51 KOK-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2002 FINAL
          05-10-2002Gary GoodridgeW1R 0:42 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 in Saitama
          28-08-2002Don FryeW1R 1:30 KOK-1PRIDE Shockwave
          25-05-2002Mark HuntW2R 3:00 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 in Paris
          03-03-2002Hiromi AmadaW1R 1:42 KO (Right Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 in Nagoya
          08-12-2001Mark HuntL2R 2:32 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2001 FINAL
          19-08-2001Marc de WitW2R 1:45 KO (Right Punch)K-1K-1 Andy Memorial Japan GP Final
          24-06-2001Stefan LekoW5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Survival 2001
          29-04-2001Adam WattW1R 0:46 KO (Punch Rush)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Osaka
          29-04-2001Ebenezer BragaW1R 1:03 KO (Left Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Osaka
          29-04-2001Pavel MajerW1R 2:15 KO (Left Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Osaka
          17-03-2001Mike BernardoNThe crowd wa so loud that the signal to end the first round couldn't be heard. After more than 3 minutes Bernardo knocked Le Banner out and the Le Banner's cornermen threw in the towel. Later the fight was ruled a NC because th KO happened not in the regular fight time.K-1K-1 Gladiators 2001
          30-07-2000Ernesto HoostW1R 3:00 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Nagoya
          30-07-2000Nick PettasW1R 3:00 TKO (Left Hook, 2 Knockdown Rule)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Nagoya
          30-07-2000Mark HuntW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Nagoya
          28-05-2000Jan 'The Giant' NortjeW1R 1:07 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 Survival 2000
          23-04-2000Francisco FilhoW1R 2:02 KO (Left Punch)K-1K-1 The Millennium
          05-12-1999Ernesto HoostL2R 0:26 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 WORLD GP 1999 FINAL
          05-12-1999Peter AertsW1R 1:11 KO (Left Hook)K-1K-1 WORLD GP 1999 FINAL
          05-10-1999Matt SkeltonW1R 1:59 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 1999 (Final Elimination)
          18-07-1998Sam GrecoW2R 3:07 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 Dreams 1998
          24-05-1998Combat ZiyoW3R 2:52 TKOK-1K-1 Braves 1998
          09-11-1997Ernesto HoostL1R 1:15 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1997 FINAL
          07-09-1997Rick RoufusW3R 2:05 TKOK-1K-1 World GP 1997 Opening
          20-07-1997Peter AertsL2R 1:19 KO (Kick)K-1K-1 Dreams 1997
          29-04-1997Ray SefoL1R 1:31 TKOK-1K-1 Braves 1997
          08-12-1996Sam GrecoD5R DecisionK-1K-1 Hercules 1996
          18-10-1996Ernesto HoostW2R 2:57 TKO (Punch)K-1K-1 Star Wars 1996
          01-09-1996TakeruW4R 2:49 KOK-1K-1 Revenge 1996
          10-03-1996Mirko CroCopL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World GP 1996 Opening
          09-12-1995Andy HugL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Hercules 1995
          03-09-1995John KleijnW2R 1:10 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 Revenge 2
          04-05-1995Peter AertsL1R 1:37 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1995 FINAL
          04-05-1995Mike BernardoW2R 3:05 KO (Kick)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1995 FINAL
          04-05-1995Masaaki SatakeW3R 2:32 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1995 FINAL
          03-03-1995Nokueed DevyW5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World GP 1995 Opening
          W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

          You spotted a mistake or have additional information about a result? Send us an e-mail!


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