Francisco Filho
photogeneral information
Francisco Filho
day of birth:10-01-1971 (54 years)
height:186.0cm (6" 1')
weight:108.0kg (238.1lbs.) (17.0st.)
club:Kyokushin Kaikan

further information
last fights:LDLWW
  • 1991 5th Kyokushin World Tournament Best 16
  • 1995 Hundred Men Kumite Completed
  • 1995 6th Kyokushin World Tournament 3rd Place
  • 1997 1st Kyokushin World-wide Heavyweight Champion
  • 1997 K-1 World Grand Prix 1997 3rd Place
  • 1999 7th Kyokushin World Tournament Champion
  • 2000 K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Yokohama Champion
  • 2001 K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Finalist
entrance music:
  • Faith Evans & Puff Daddy - I'll Be Missing You

fight record - stand-up fights
K-125 fights15 wins (60.0%)
  • 8 (T)KOs (53.3%)
  • 7 decisions (46.7%)
7 losses (28.0%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (28.6%)
  • 5 decisions (71.4%)
3 draws (12.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
Gesamt25 fights15 wins (60.0%)
  • 8 (T)KOs (53.3%)
  • 7 decisions (46.7%)
7 losses (%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (28.6%)
  • 5 decisions (71.4%)
3 draws (12.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
fight record - MMA fights
Gesamt0 fights0 wins (0.0%)
    0 losses (0.0%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

      bout results (show detailed)
      30-05-2004Remy BonjaskyW3R Decision 0-3 (29-30, 29-30, 29-30)K-1Ichigeki Kyokushin vs K-1 All Out Battle
      31-12-2003TOAW3R Decision 2-1K-1K-1 PREMIUM 2003 Dynamite!!
      11-10-2003Stefan LekoL3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Osaka
      13-07-2003Mike BernardoD5R Decision 1-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Fukuoka
      08-12-2001Mark HuntL3R Decision 0-0
      -> Ext.R Decision 3-0
      08-12-2001Alexey IgnashovW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2001 FINAL
      08-12-2001Peter AertsW2R 3:00 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2001 FINAL
      08-10-2001Lloyd van DamsW3R Decision 0-1
      -> Ext.R Decision 2-0
      K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Fukuoka
      08-10-2001Sergei IvanovichW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Fukuoka
      11-08-2001Sergei IvanovichLExt.R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Las Vegas
      10-12-2000Ernesto HoostL3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2000 FINAL
      10-12-2000Stefan LekoWExt.R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2000 FINAL
      20-08-2000Cyril AbidiW2R 0:25 TKOK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Yokohama
      20-08-2000Matt SkeltonW2R 2:42 KO (Right Punch)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Yokohama
      20-08-2000Tsuyoshi NakasakoW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2000 in Yokohama
      23-04-2000Jerome Le BannerL1R 2:02 KO (Left Punch)K-1K-1 The Millennium
      25-04-1999Ernesto HoostW1R 1:37 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 Revenge 1999
      13-12-1998Mike BernardoL3R 1:35 TKOK-1K-1 WORLD GP 1998 FINAL
      27-09-1998Rick RoufusW3R 0:15 KO (Right Low Kick)K-1K-1 World GP 1998 Opening
      18-07-1998Peter AertsD1R DecisionK-1K-1 Dreams 1998
      09-04-1998Ray SefoD5R Decision 1-1K-1K-1 Kings 1998
      09-11-1997Ernesto HoostL3R Decision 0-2K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1997 FINAL
      09-11-1997Sam GrecoW1R 0:15 KO (Right Hook)K-1K-1 WORLD GRAND PRIX 1997 FINAL
      07-09-1997Duane Van Der MerweW1R 2:22 KO (Kick)K-1K-1 World GP 1997 Opening
      20-07-1997Andy HugW1R 2:37 KO (Punch)K-1K-1 Dreams 1997
      W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

      You spotted a mistake or have additional information about a result? Send us an e-mail!


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