Maurice Smith
photogeneral information
Maurice Smith
day of birth:13-12-1961 (63 years)
height:188.0cm (6" 2')
weight:100.0kg (220.5lbs.) (15.7st.)
club:The Alliance

further information
last fights:WLWWL
  • Former WKA Kickboxing Heavyweight World Champion
  • UFC Heavyweight World Champion (27th July 1997 - 21st December 1997)
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Preliminary USA Champion

fight record - stand-up fights
K-115 fights7 wins (46.7%)
  • 1 (T)KOs (14.3%)
  • 6 decisions (85.7%)
7 losses (46.7%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (28.6%)
  • 5 decisions (71.4%)
1 draws (6.7%)0 no contests (0.0%)
Gesamt15 fights7 wins (46.7%)
  • 1 (T)KOs (14.3%)
  • 6 decisions (85.7%)
7 losses (%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (28.6%)
  • 5 decisions (71.4%)
1 draws (6.7%)0 no contests (0.0%)
fight record - MMA fights
UFC7 fights4 wins (57.1%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (50.0%)
  • 2 decisions (50.0%)
3 losses (42.9%)
  • 3 decisions (100.0%)
0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
Gesamt7 fights4 wins (57.1%)
  • 2 (T)KOs (50.0%)
  • 2 decisions (50.0%)
3 losses (42.9%)
  • 3 decisions (100.0%)
0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

bout results (show detailed)
02-05-2003Rick RoufusL3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Las Vegas I
02-05-2003Giuseppe De NataleW3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Las Vegas I
06-04-2003TsuyoshiW3R Decision 2-0K-1K-1 BEAST 2003
11-08-2001Peter AertsLExt.R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Las Vegas
11-08-2001Jorgen KruthW3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Las Vegas
05-05-2001Michael McDonaldW3R Decision Draw
-> Ext.R Decision 1-2
K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Preliminary USA (a.k.a. K-1 World's Best)
05-05-2001Gunter SingerW2R 0:24 KOK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Preliminary USA (a.k.a. K-1 World's Best)
05-05-2001Pedro FernandezW3R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Preliminary USA (a.k.a. K-1 World's Best)
17-11-2000Renato SobralL3R DecisionUFCUFC 28: High Stakes
22-09-2000Bobby HoffmanW3R Decision 2-1UFCUFC 27: Ultimate Bad Boyz
22-08-1999Andy HugL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Spirits 1999
16-07-1999Marco RuasW1R 5:00 TKO (Corner Stoppage, Knee injury)UFCUFC 21: Return Of The Champions
06-06-1999Peter AertsL3R 2:44 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 Survival 1999
05-03-1999Kevin RandlemanL1R Draw
--> Overtime Decision 3-0
UFCUFC 19: Young Guns
27-09-1998Mike BernardoL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World GP 1998 Opening
07-08-1998Ernesto HoostL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 World GP 1998 in Las Vegas
09-04-1998Masaaki SatakeD5R Decision 2-1K-1K-1 Kings 1998
21-12-1997Randy CoutureL1R Decision Draw
--> Overtime Decision 2-0
UFCUltimate Japan 1
17-10-1997Tank AbbottW1R 8:09 TKO (Referee Stoppage, Right Low Kicks)UFCUFC 15: Collision Course
27-07-1997Mark ColemanW1R Decision Draw
--> Overtime Decision 0-3
UFCUFC 14: Showdown
03-04-1993Ernesto HoostL3R 1:18 KO (Kick)K-1K-1 WORLD GP 1993 FINAL
03-04-1993Toshiyuki AtokawaW3R Decision 3-0 (30-26, 30-27, 30-25)K-1K-1 WORLD GP 1993 FINAL
W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

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