Petar Majstorovic
photogeneral information
Petar Majstorovic
day of birth:05-02-1975 (50 years)
height:184.0cm (6" 0')
weight:92.0kg (202.8lbs.) (14.5st.)
club:Seido Kaikan

further information
last fights:WLLLW
  • WKN World Kickboxing Champion 2001
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 Preliminary Germany Champion
  • K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 Preliminary Croatia Champion

fight record - stand-up fights
K-125 fights10 wins (40.0%)
  • 5 (T)KOs (50.0%)
  • 5 decisions (50.0%)
14 losses (56.0%)
  • 3 (T)KOs (21.4%)
  • 11 decisions (78.6%)
1 draws (4.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
Gesamt25 fights10 wins (40.0%)
  • 5 (T)KOs (50.0%)
  • 5 decisions (50.0%)
14 losses (%)
  • 3 (T)KOs (21.4%)
  • 11 decisions (78.6%)
1 draws (4.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)
fight record - MMA fights
Gesamt0 fights0 wins (0.0%)
    0 losses (0.0%)
      0 draws (0.0%)0 no contests (0.0%)

      bout results (show detailed)
      10-03-2007Michael McDonaldW5R TKO (Doctor Stoppage)K-1K-1 Croatia Grand Prix 2007 in Split
      18-08-2006Zabit SamedovLK-1K-1 Hungary Grand Prix 2006 in Debrecen
      20-05-2006Topi HelinL3R Decision Draw
      --> Ext.R Decision 2-1
      K-1K-1 Scandinavia Grand Prix 2006 in Stockholm
      20-01-2006Brice GuidonLDecisionK-1K-1 France Grand Prix 2006 in Marseilles
      10-12-2005Lloyd van DamsW3R DecisionK-1Fights at the Border IV
      27-05-2005Tony GregoryL3R Decision 0-3 (28-30, 27-30, 27-30)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2005 in Paris
      16-04-2005Ionut IftimoaieL3R DecisionK-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2005 in Milan
      30-05-2004Ewerton TeixeiraL3R Decision 0-3K-1Ichigeki Kyokushin vs K-1 All Out Battle
      24-04-2004Sergei GurDDrawK-1K-1 Italy Grand Prix 2004 in Milan
      20-12-2003Alexander UstinovL3R 2:28 KOK-1K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona
      20-12-2003Cyril DiabateW3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona
      20-12-2003Jordi RamisW2R 1:14 KOK-1K-1 Spain Grand Prix 2003 in Barcelona
      30-05-2003Jerrel VenetiaanL3R DecisionK-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2003 in Basel
      15-03-2003Martin HolmL3R DecisionK-1K-1 Scandinavia Grand Prix 2003 in Stockholm
      25-05-2002Remy BonjaskyL4R 0:27 KO (Kick)K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2002 in Paris
      13-04-2002Xhavit BajramiWExt.R Decision 0-2K-1K-1 Croatia Grand Prix 2002 in Zagreb
      13-04-2002Sinisa AndrijasevicWSinisa Andrijasevic was injuredK-1K-1 Croatia Grand Prix 2002 in Zagreb
      13-04-2002Ergin SolmazWDecision 0-3K-1K-1 Croatia Grand Prix 2002 in Zagreb
      20-07-2001Alexey IgnashovL3R Decision 0-3K-1K-1 World Grand Prix 2001 in Nagoya
      20-05-2001Attila FuskoW1R 0:40 TKOK-1K-1 Germany Grand Prix 2001 in Oberhausen
      20-05-2001Dimitri AlexudisW1R 2:38 KOK-1K-1 Germany Grand Prix 2001 in Oberhausen
      20-05-2001Florian OgunadeW3R 1:48 TKO (Corner Stoppage)K-1K-1 Germany Grand Prix 2001 in Oberhausen
      05-06-1999Cyril AbidiL5R Decision 3-0K-1K-1 Fight Night 5
      06-06-1998Stefan LekoLExt.R DecisionK-1K-1 Fight Night 4
      16-03-1997Ray SefoL4R 1:36 TKOK-1K-1 Kings 1997
      W - win, L - loss, D - draw, N - no contest

      You spotted a mistake or have additional information about a result? Send us an e-mail!


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